Every week they have a "letter of the week", and his teachers mentioned couple of weeks in advance that during the week of W, they'd have a day of wearing "What you want to be when you grow up".
Personally, I didn't take up this event seriously because at his age of 3, he doesn't understand the question of what you want to be when you grow up. And even if we ask, his answers are so cute..but wild! Some days he'd say "I want to be a Kangaroo", or "Penguin" or "horse" on other days, as he gallops around the house.
My husband insisted to buy a pilot costume, which when I googled came out to about $50!!! So much for a couple of hours! Then as I surfed through the internet, I noticed the commercial pilot costume is easy; white shirt, black pants, shoulder pads, tie and a hat. With so much of crafty things I do, I happened to have all the required things to make his costume except for the white shirt which I bought. Rest all cut out from the art sheets; referred a video for making paper pilot hat and voilà, Pilot costume ready!
And then March 3rd was Dr. Seuss birthday and they had to dress up as one of the characters from the comic. A blue feather garland from dollar store and matched up his red clothes and again, voilà - Thing1 character was ready!
His teachers loved his costumes at school. We never had these events during our school times, but I enjoy the fun in making these creative things while making memories for my son to look when he grows older!
Now working on his Easter party goodie bags for his friends at school!