Of course now, we don’t write letters anymore. Not even cards are sent annually. Everything is through the internet. I do miss the pen-written letters. I am sure there are many who feel the same. We had very little period of the letter writing times. But at least we got that. Today’s kids probably will never experience the joy and anxiety of writing letters and waiting for a reply that can take a few days.
My grandmother feels good about the technology of ‘Telephone’, where she can contact anybody anytime, than those old days of writing mails to know about her loved ones. Today, only after seeing ONE red box, I remembered so many things from my childhood. But I also didn’t miss realizing that they, the little red boxes, have disappeared from our streets for good. Before we would post letters on behalf of our elders and finding a box wouldn’t be that difficult. You could find it easily around every corner.
Thank you little red box, you brought me a smile and bundles of memories! J
Picture: http://img2.photographersdirect.com/img/19309/wm/pd2095931.jpg
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